Who We Are

The Panthean Temple was founded on October 31st, 1995 under our original name of the Pagan Community Church. We are a growing community in the Valley, New Haven County, Connecticut area. Our temple is incorporated and federally recognized as a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization as of 1997. Rev. Alicia Lyon Folberth is the President and Priestess of our temple, as well as one of its founders.

Our practices however are devotional, and are primarily Wiccan based, although individual rituals may vary depending on the people leading them and the traditions they practice, but we are not eclectic. The Panthean Temple is not a Tradition, although at one time were in the process of creating one. Many of our public rituals have a Wiccan structure. The original founders of our temple were various practitioners of Paganism and Wicca, being open to different traditions and practices.

We host open public rituals on the Sabbats, and weekly classes, as well as Drumming Circles, Workshops and Guest Speakers. We are open to Witches and Pagans of all traditions who honor harm none, which we consider to be a universal tenet of all true spiritual paths. Sabbats during the warm months (Litha-Lughnassadh-Mabon) at Osbornedale State Park, and we are known for our large fund raisers at a local farm and our festival: Beltaine A Pagan Odyssey which began in 1998.

We welcome people of all ages regardless of race, sexual orientation or disability. Children are welcome at ALL Open Events, but must have a parent or guardian with them if they are under 18 years of age. We do our best to provide an open, family friendly atmosphere and a safe environment for the children.

Entry to our priesthood is through attending classes, willingness to pursue Odyssean tradition in cooperation with Canada, and participation within the Inner Court. We do not give out “clergy titles” to be used elsewhere.

We are a mature, established group whose focus is that of sincere worship, learning and growth. We are striving to provide a wide variety of tradition experience and knowledge to support our communities. It is our goal to buy land upon which we will build a physical temple of our own.


                                                         Key Points:

            • We have an emphasis on public ministry
            • An open approach to ritual structure
            • Encouragement for members to affiliate themselves with a particular culture / pantheon
            • To be familiar with and respectful of other cultures’ deities and spiritual practices
            • Strong devotional orientation
            • Focus on educating our members and the public
            • Clergy Training – the skills that make a good traditional Coven Priest/ess do not necessarily prepare adequately for serving as clergy in a public temple. More training is being added.